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Buddy & Amirah


After deciding we would only take Mustangs, our hearts were torn once again when we learned of an older mini gelding at a NJ kill pen. After seeing footage of this old soul, once again we felt compelled to do something. Knowing the financial strain it would put on us, we literally left everything up to our faith and knew if it were to be, it would. At this time we were told of another mini horse who was his only friend at the kill pen. They were both out of time. With the help of a generous donor, we were able to pull them at the last minute of the last day before they were to ship to slaughter. Despite getting them out of the horrific situation they were in, the damage had been done. As a result of their neglect and time spent in the kill pen, both were extremely sick. For 55 days they stayed in quarantine struggling to survive. Having every reason to give up, these two did not and decided to fight for their lives. 55 days later on Christmas Eve, they arrived to Unbridled, hesitant, broken and scared. Both were extremely beaten up physically and emotionally. We quickly learned the extent of Amirah’s abuse and her fear of humans, warranted and heartbreaking. Through time, love and patience both mini horses are thriving at Unbridled. They are free to be their authentic selves and loved dearly for simply being them. They have overcome so many obstacles and are the true meaning of survivors. 

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